Tallinn- keskaegne pealinn.
Koha kirjeldus
Eesti pealinn Tallinn on riigi suurim linn ja siin elab umbes kolmandik kogu Eesti elanikest. Esmakordselt mainiti Tallinna araabia geograafi al- Idrisi koostatud maailmakaardil 1154- ndal aastal Koluvani nime all.
Kõige arvukamalt meelitab turiste Tallina Vanalinn, mis on kui keskaegse arhitektuuri muuseum. Enim kasutatud ehitusmaterjal on paekivi, mida on alates 13- ndast sajandist kasutatud linnamüüri, kindlustustornide, kirikute, Raekoja ja all- linna ehitusel.
Raekoja plats.
Raekoja esisel platsil oli turg juba enne kui Raekoja hoone ehitati. Platsil peeti nii pidusid kui viidi läbi ka hukkamisi.
Tänapäeval on Raekoja plats linnaelu keskus, kus suvel on hulgaliselt välikohvikuid ja peetakse kontserte, käsitöölaate ja keskaegseid pidustusi. Talvel aga imetleb linnarahvas jõulukuuske, mis pannakse püsti tervelt kuuks või isegi pikemaks ajaks- see on traditsioon, mille juured ulatuvad asastasse 1441 ning peetekse jõululaata, kust saab kingitusi ja südamesse jõulutunnet.
Tallinn`s late Gothic Town Hall building is one of the most famed symbols of the city, recognized throughout Estonia as a venerable, unique architectural treasure.
The Town Hall was established on the central square, probably at the beginning of 13th century. In 1402-1404, the building was substantially reconstructed. The exterior we know today dates from this period, and the basic room plan has also been preserved, as it was reconstructed for hosting receptions.
The second floor was and still is the main floor, where the Citizen`s Hall, the Council Hall, a small kitchen and chancery are located and where festive receptions and concerts are held, just as they were in the Medieval days of yore. The three-nave cellar hall is open to citizens and guests today as an exhibit hall.
Kiek in de Kök
Kiek in de Kök was the most powerful cannon tower in 16th-century Northern Europe.The round cannon tower, built in the latter part of the 15th century, had a diameter of 17 meters. Its height is 38 meters and its walls are 4 meters thick. The tower was just high enough that its guards had a view into the kitchens of neighbouring buildings. Of course the view also extended to the enemy's rear. The tower's name, "peek in the kitchen", comes from its height.Kiek in de Kök, situated on the slope of Toompea Hill, is the most powerful defense tower in the Baltic region. Today the tower holds a permanent exhibit on the emergence of Tallinn, on three floors, tells the story of the birth and development of Tallinn and the most important military events from the 13th to the 18th centuries.
The Viru Gates are in the eastern section of the city wall. The main tower of the gates was originally built in the years 1345-1355. Today, Viru is one of the main entryways in the Town Wall, leading into the Old Town to Viru Street, a main shopping and dining street of the Old Town.
Toompea kindlus.
50 meetrit merepinnast, järsul paekaivist kaldavallil asuv kindlus ehitati 13- 14- ndal sajandil. Seda tunnustatud võimusümbolit on aegade jooksul paljud riigid püüdnud vallutada ja tihti on see ka õnnestunud. Tänapäeval asub siin Eesti Vabariigi Valisus.
Toomkirik on Eesti luteriusu peakirik ja üks kolmest siiani toimisvast keskagesest kirikust. Toomkiriku praegune välimus on mitmete ümber- ja juurdeehituste käigus toimunud muutuste tulemus. Algne puust kirik arvatakse olevat ehitatud Toompea mäele 1219- ndal aastal ja seda mainiti esmakordselt 1233- ndal aastal.
Tallinnas tasub külastada ka Rocca al Mare vabaõhumuuseumi ning Kadrioru lossi ja parki, mis meenutavad Peeter Suure vallutusi.